Sunday, April 29, 2012



Credits to Photoscape. Everybody wants to travel the world, I mean who doesn't? The one place I would really like to go to is Rio de Janiero, Brazil. I want to swim on the cool blue waters of Ipanema, experience their night life and be acquainted with the locals. So, What's the top 1 on your places to travel list? xx,LRC

Saturday, April 28, 2012


The past few days I have been craving for pancakes. Then I decided why not make one from scratch? I Googled some recipes and relied from its reviews. So I made some yesterday and half of them were burnt! I don't know what went wrong. Maybe the fire was too high or I used the wrong oil or what. I should learn how to fry starting from now. Hahaha!

Told you they were burnt. Hahaha! They were fluffy on the inside tho. So, what do you think went wrong? Hmmmm.. xx, LRC

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mr. Owl

Today was another boring summer day but I don't want it to end without being productive. So I decided I should fill the blank pages of my sketch pad and draw. My mind was so blank and no ideas were coming. By help of Google I saw some drawing which I gained inspiration from. Credits to Kat B. whoever you are. :)

The next productive thing I did besides breathing. Hahaha! So, How's your day? xx, LRC

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


After a week, I finally got my glasses.

lol. Paulo. Hahahha!

How's your day? B) xx, LRC

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Since it's summer time, I've been making the best of it by sleeping late and waking up late. So, cheers to my huge eyebugs! Huhu. I need to stay healthy and quit sleeping late for I need to grow taller. Hahahasrsly! This coming month of May, I'll be healthier and stressed-free. I promise! How's your summer doing? xx, Ysabel
btw, Follow me :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I should stop Tumblrin' and reblogging sweet-mushy-for-lovers-only stuff. It breaks my heart and makes me miss him more. I'll just go sit in the corner and face the wall. KBye. xx,LRC

Friday, April 20, 2012


I stumbled upon this photo editing website. It's like Picnik. Lemme show you some features it has.

Cool Right?

Did a little editing of my own. Here it is. Hahaha!

Visit Pic Monkey and tell me what you think. :)

xx, LRC

Forestdoll x Giant Vintage Sunglasses GIVEAWAY

Want to win two vintage sunglasses of your choice? Join Forest Doll's giveaway here.
xx, LRC


It has been two days since I broke my glasses. Somehow it also paralyzed me from my day to day life. I know it sounds over acting but it's true. I was supposed to watch the movie, The Lucky One but I can't manage to commute with everything around me appearing to be blurry. Two days also that I did nothing but watched tv and surfed the net. It had been a non-progressive and boring days for me. How was yours? xx, LRC

Thursday, April 19, 2012

RIP Glasses

Cheers to me for sitting on my glasses. Cheers to me! Urgh. BV. Now, I'm suffering headache and for some reason I think I might go completely blind someday, as in zero visibility. Well it's not a very great expectation, Does it? One thing's for sure, I definitely learned my lesson. xx, Ysabel


I baked cookies yesterday. 2 batches actually. Want some? xx, Ysabel

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ice cream Cake

This is Ysabel's version of ice cream cake. Hahaha!

Cover Photo

I was thinking that today would another be stay-at-home-boring-summer-day but look what boredom had done to me. Tadaaa! My Facebook Cover Photo now more improved and customized. The trying hard me is so proud! :) Go try make your own cover photo and lemme see! xx, Ysabel

Monday, April 16, 2012


Me and my Mom went to the mall today. So why not have a mini mother-daughter bonding since it's her birthday. (Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you :D) My Step Dad organized a surprise party for her with our relatives in our house. My Mom was really surprised since she had no idea about anything. So we ate dinner together and got to catch up with each other without seeing for weeks. Okay, going back. While we were window shopping, I stumbled into this amazing nail polish from Etude House. How I love how sparkly it is. It was hard to apply it but with the use of a toothpick and determination, I did it!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Second Stage


Feelings & Lessons

These past few days my feelings aren't sure for the boy I loved. My feelings aren't that intense as they were before. I'm confused. I feel slightly upset for what I've done. I really don't know if that's the right thing to do. One thing I learned from my relationship with him, never rush, take time and play hard to get. Those are the things I will never forget. For now, I should stop flirting. Can I help it? Hahahajk!
Don't walk breaking hearts! xx, Ysabel


There are three boys in my life right now.

The first one is a friend of mine and I think I'm having feelings for him. But I do hope it's just infatuation and will just fade away. Because I know if things will go out of bounds, our friendship might bid goodbye to us and I don't want to lose a friend just because of a fail love story.

The second boy is also a good friend of mine who I like and likes me back. My feelings for him has been going on for years now but i think our more-than-friends-less-than-lovers relationship is going downhill. I don't know what to do.

The third is the one who I know will never leave me through it all. He listens to all my problems and lightens my burden. He, I know will help me. He is the perfect man. I love him so much.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lids & Sandwiches

This morning, I took brunch since I woke up very late(1PM. Hahaha!). After eating my brunch, I was still very hungry. Pardon me. Hahaha! So I decided to make myself a sandwich. The lid of that damn PBJ is so hard. After minutes of trying to open it, I gave up. Giving up isn't really my thing but my hands were suffering soreness and redness. I ended up with Nutella. Sorry for the post about sandwiches and lids. I just can't think of a better topic to talk about. Hahahah! xx, Ysabel


Today, I baked crinkles! At least I did something productive. Hahaha! Too tired to put on captions. So, judge for yourself :) :) (They don't taste that great.)